
The arrangement provides a compensation payment of € 15,000 if you were the wife or partner of a victim within the meaning of the arrangement. A child, parent, brother or sister may be eligible for a compensation payment of € 10,000. The Dutch State therefore assumes that wives suffered total damages of € 150,000.00 and that the other specified surviving relatives suffered total damages of € 100,000.


  • You cannot claim more than the fixed compensation amount under this arrangement.
  • In the event that your claim is granted, the compensation will be paid to you in full and final discharge. This means that you can no longer successfully submit a claim to a civil court based on liability of the Dutch State for the fate of your family member who was in the Dutchbat compound in Potočari in the late afternoon of 13 July 1995, and for whose death you have received compensation.

The Srebrenica settlement arrangement is intended to implement the Dutch Supreme Court judgment of 19 July 2019. The highest court of the Netherlands ruled that the Dutch State acted unlawfully in relation to the deceased male refugees who were in the Dutchbat compound in Potočari in the late afternoon of 13 July 1995. The Supreme Court held the Dutch State liable for 10 percent of the damages suffered by the surviving relatives due to those unlawful actions.

The Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs designed the Srebrenica civil-law settlement arrangement to settle the compensation claims of the surviving relatives. The arrangement offers you, as a surviving relative, a convenient way to receive compensation without having to hire a lawyer. It offers an alternative to undertaking what can often be long, complex and emotionally draining follow-up proceedings to determine the amount of damages. The arrangement aims to offer a fast and simple, but also careful and reliable way of dealing with claims. It does mean that less account is taken of the specific individual circumstances of each claimant. But once a family relationship as specified in the arrangement is established, it is assumed in advance that damages have been suffered. So the arrangement will save you from pursuing complex proceedings for demonstrating damages.